Search Results for “from the field”

Solano County banning commercial cannabis in unincorporated areas. Sonoma has even more to lose

Solano County is poised to implement a ban in their unincorporated County areas:  water and road access issues included as main rationale.  See article below. Clearly Sonoma County has by far even more reason to do so as well. Solano County wisely dismissed their “Ad hoc” Cannabis Committee recommendations.  Wiser heads prevailed. The Sonoma County…
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Illegal Pot Farms Are Poisoning California’s Forests

Secret growers are taking advantage of the state’s remote stretches of public land—and the environmental impact is severe. In the gray half-light of dawn, eight figures creep through the dry pine forest near Quincy, California. Seven of them wear camo uniforms bearing the logos of various government agencies: U.S. Forest Service, National Guard, California Fish…
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Toxic pesticide increasingly used in CA marijuana grows, authorities warn

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — An alarming increase in the use of a highly toxic and banned pesticide at illegal marijuana farms hidden on public land in California is leading U.S. and state officials to team up on an issue that recently divided them: pot. They announced Tuesday that they will use $2.5 million in federal money…
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U.S. Attorney Joins Forces with Federal, State and Local Leaders and Experts to Combat the Devastating Environmental Effects of Public-Land Marijuana Grows

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Today, federal, state, and local leaders joined with experts to highlight the devastating damage that illegal, public-land marijuana grows do to our national forests, the wildlife who inhabit them, and the streams and waterways that flow through them. Making the announcement today were U.S. Attorney McGregor W. Scott; U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest…
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The ongoing environmental catastrophe of marijuana cultivation (Bioscience)

High Time for Conservation: Adding the Environment to the Debate on Marijuana Liberalization The liberalization of marijuana policies, including the legalization of medical and recreational marijuana, is sweeping the United States and other countries. Marijuana cultivation can have significant negative collateral effects on the environment that are often unknown or overlooked. Focusing on the state…
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Chicago has nothing on Sonoma, Another home invasion

I forget if this is Sonoma County home Invasion #5, 6 or 7 I’M LOSING COUNT. Yes, I am losing count of the number of times murdering thugs have broken into peoples home, while they are home and beaten, robbed, tied up and killed the occupants. Isn’t that quaint. I’m sure tourism will be up.…
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About Us

Who We Are We are the under-represented residents of rural, unincorporated Sonoma  County who have been negatively impacted by the Sonoma County cannabis ordinance. We are property owners in rural Sonoma County. Some of us have small ranches and farms and many of us just live on residential properties where we cherish the peaceful, rural…
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Save our Sonoma Neighborhoods

Cannabis Ordinance “Part 2” – The Cannabis Lobby Revisions – Is in review and coming your way unless you act now.Every change favors the cannabis lobby – because they were written by the cannabis lobby: Removal of restrictions on cannabis production Removal of neighbor notification and input in the permitting process Cannabis to be re-classified…
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