Sonoma County releases draft of cannabis lobby revisions to ordinance

Wholesale capitulation to the cannabis lobby and out of area speculators abandonment of local residents, rural neighborhoods
- Removal of restrictions on cannabis production in the County
- All cannabis permits to be ministerial without neighbor notification or input
- Cannabis to be re-classified as an Ag crop
- Cannabis tourism restrictions to be removed
The comment period will be from February 16, 2021 to March 18, 2021. Comments must be received no later than 12:00 PM on March 18, 2021.
- Draft Subsequent Mitigated Negative Declaration
- Draft Commercial Cannabis Cultivation Ordinance
- Draft Amendments to Chapter 26 of Sonoma County Code
- Draft General Plan Amendment
NOTE: These documents replace the preliminary working drafts released on January 31, 2021.
Notice of Intent (PDF: 92 kB)
Draft Subsequent Mitigated Negative Declaration (PDF: 1.8 MB)
Draft Commercial Cannabis Cultivation Ordinance (PDF: 471 kB)
Draft Amendments to Chapter 26 of Sonoma County Code (PDF: 5.4 MB)
Draft General Plan Amendment (PDF: 186 kB)
Link to documents on California Environmental Quality Act website
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